Dark Inversion

The Land of the Dead Warriors


Издател: Counter Attack Productions
Дата на излизане: 2001-08-02
Носител: CD
Каталожен No: C.A.005CD

  1. Endless
  2. Voices From Infinity
  3. I am the Prince of Darkness of My Soul
  4. The Land of the Dead Warriors
  5. Eternal Darkness Over Icy Kingdom
  6. Frozen Tears Shed by the Blinded Eyes of Eternity
  7. Bloody Past - Glorious Future
  8. ... And Great Bulgaria was Born
  9. Impious Symphony
  • Haures - клавишни
  • Agrax - ударни
  • Sirlon - китари, чисти вокали
  • Shurale - вокал, китари
  • Belfegor - бас